Circumcision lowers AIDS risk on half
AFP press release on Yahoo published on 14.12.2006.
Through mass circumcision to millions of lives could be saved
Der Tagesspiegel: USA & WHO want to offer circumcision free
circumcision reduces the risk of becoming infected with HIV
The World Health Organization to the latest studies in Kenya and Uganda.
Circumcision protects against AIDS
The Spiegel Online reports 26 March 2004 on its title page.
Protection by circumcision is proven
NEWHowever, studies on HIV prevention with vaccination disappoint. Int. Aids Congress 2009
Men with foreskin infect one another more easily with AIDS virus
The Spiegel report from March 2001.
Circumcision lessens risk of AIDS-infection in men
AFP news item on the connection between circumcision and AIDS.
Spiegel online
The Spiegel published in summer 2000 the result of the evaluation of over 40 different studies in the last years.
Slowing spreading of AIDS through circumcision
dpa news item on connection between circumcision and AIDS.
Smaller AIDS risk for circumcised men
AZ news item on connection between circumcision and AIDS.