Medical Benefits from Circumcision
Professor Brian J. Morris is professor of medical sciences at the University of Sydney and explains the medical aspects of circumcision.
ICIRC - International Circumcision Information Reference Centre
Vernon Quaintance established this information centre to give scientific information to doctors worldwide.
Medical Benefits from Circumcision
NEWInformation About All Aspects Regarding Circumcision from a Medical and Research Point of View. By Dr. Pierre Lacock, USA.
Circumcision Information Center
News and information on all aspects of circumcision. Very detailed, although not illustrated.
About Circ
NEWA decision aid for caring minded parents.
CNN confirms what we long know: circumcised men have more diversified sex.
Circumcision London
NEWCircumcision London provides information about circumcision and connect to experienced doctors in England.
Alisklamp is an evolution from Circring and Smartklamp. There are not only sizes for children but also for adults available.
NEWSimilar to the Plastibell method, the foreskin falls off by squeezing a few days later.